
Team info

Alexandra Nussbaum

Rentavengers (


The challenge

Most international students, just like me, come here in need for a room without knowledge of Dutch nor the local laws when it comes to housing. With the housing situation being so difficult, this leads to a huge information and power asymmetry between agencies/landlords and students regarding rights and duties of each party, leading to agencies/landlords overstepping legal boundaries on a regular basis. In the Netherlands, agency fees are illegal, there is a legal maximum rent for student rooms and the huurcommissie provides easy access for tenants. (International) students are exploited and overcharged thousands of euros, just because they are not aware or do not have access to information regarding their rights, or if they do, they cannot effectively enforce them.

The solution

Dutch rental law is great. It is quite clear and provides all the tools one needs to do justice. The issue is just that people, especially internationals, do not know about them. What can be found in English on the internet is often wrong, unclear, conflicting or incomplete. Free legal services are often not helpful at all, rather make they feel people even more like they are alone. Therefore, I propose a platform where this information regarding tenant's rights is easily accessible and advice is given in an effective and clear manner, including Dutch sample letters and direct help with landlords/agencies. An additional goal would be to create a supportive community, because the exploitation when it comes to housing is huge, and when standing up to a landlord, knowing that someone has your back is very empowering.

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