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Studeer Stipt
The challenge
These days, student life consists of much more than merely studying. It is therefore important for students to always know exactly what they need to work on when they find the time do so. However, with different courses often using very different structures to communicate what needs to be done, students currently don’t have a place they can go to to immediately see which tasks are due, which courses they are trailing on and most importantly: what would be wisest to work on right now.
The solution
Studeer Stipt is an application which allows users to create comprehensive plannings for the courses they follow. These plannings can be used by other users as well, so that users don’t have to continuously reinvent the wheel. Users are able to mark which tasks they’ve done and using that info, Stipt creates useful overviews which clearly communicate exactly which tasks should receive the user’s priority! In the near future, users will also be able to comment on tasks to discuss difficult exercises and content. Further extensions include the ability to create plannings for group projects and a point-reward system.