
Team info

Siem Jansen
Bert Verhoeff
Mathé Jansen
Thijs Pardoel



The challenge

Nowadays, students need to find everything they need online. Think of their books, summaries, crash courses, dorm rooms and furniture for in their dorm rooms. All these products/services can be found on another platform/website, and for some of these products/services there are even countless platforms/websites. Finding the perfect product/service you are looking for takes a lot of time and frustrations.

The solution

When you create an account on StudentPlace, you have to select your study and student city. With these steps you already have entered the StudentPlace network which provides you from all the benefits StudenPlace offers. This includes; - Finding and offering study books. You can compare all the books that are the same and choose the best option. - Finding and offering summaries. People who buy one can rate them and in that way the best summaries get the best reviews. - Finding and offering tutors/crash courses. If you struggle with a course, on StudentPlace you can find a student who is good at it or an offered crash course. - Finding and offering dorm rooms, when you offer your room on StudentPlace you have to give information about it on different fields. This makes searching for a room much easier. Because people who are looking for and offering rooms are active on StudentPlace, you can also offer and find furniture for in your room on this device.

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