
Team info

Dennis van Tiel



The challenge

Obesity is a rising problem all over the world, especially in the "western world". In the Netherlands 50,1 percent of the population is overweight and of that 50,1 percent 14,7 percent has morbid obesity. One of the causes is, that the tempation to by unhealthy food is greater than the tempation to buy the healthy alternative. Fast food restaurants, snackbars and even supermarkets use the temptation of customers for a quick and cheap meal to make the customer buy the unhealthy variants. In the current market the supply in healthy meals at public transportation stations is close to none existing and the healthy variants that are being offered are either very expensive or not as tasty as there unhealthy counterparts.

The solution

Giving the customers, travellers and visitors of public transport stations, the possibility to choice a healthy meal for an as low as possible price. With the growing numbers of overweight all over the world we think it is time to offer delicious, affordable and healthy meal options to the customers.

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