No romantic candlelight, but burning questions and feasibility talk during the Online Speed Dating Event!
In September the Tilburg University Challenge kicked-off. During this entrepreneurial challenge, more than 200 students of Tilburg University get the opportunity to join and come up with ideas, follow workshops and connect with the business world. After about two months, the best teams will pitch their idea in front of a professional jury and have the chance to win relevant prizes during the Online Grand Finale on November 12th!
During the Online Speed Dating Event, participants got the opportunity to ask coaching partner companies anything that could help them in further developing their idea. On the other hand, coaches could ask questions to challenge and inspire the participants. A very interactive afternoon which was initially planned to take place at the Tilburg University campus. However, due to the current situation, the 115 speed dates took place in an online environment instead!
A total of 22 partners, such as Rabobank, DLL, Midpoint, National Police, BOM and Crowe Foederer, provided coaching during the speed dates for more than 40 teams. Each partner company had its own online meeting room, which participants joined and switched between, for 5 rounds. Popular topics of discussion during this afternoon were feasibility, next steps, customers and possible elephants in the room.
Now it is time for the teams to prepare themselves for the final event. A Top 20 selection of finalists will be announced on October 22nd. The teams in this selection proved to have a proactive attitude, a feasible idea and the ability to make progress in a short period of time! It should not be forgotten that all teams have been working on their project intensively. They have been meeting coaches, attending workshops, interviewing potential customers, making a business plan, and working together on something they believe has potential.
All participants are working towards the Online Grand Finale, on November 12th. As might be expected, this event will take place online as well. However, this doesn’t make it any less exciting and nerve-racking. What can you expect during the final event? Think of pitches, voting, a Grand Jury, a Keynote Speaker, amazing prizes for the winners and much more!
The Grand Finale will be an event you do not want to miss. Hope to virtually see you there!
Check out the aftermovie of the Speeddating event!